

WHAT IS A MAN? (5 min read)

Men get confused about this issue. Some even get pissed off.

“What right do you have to tell me what a man is, they’ll say.

I get it.

I struggled with this for decades myself when I studied behavioural sciences in college and university decades ago…

Lucky for me, my old man once told me I wasn’t supposed to understand women, which made me study the literature even more over the last 35 years to arrive at the conclusions I present to you here.

Tell you what. Don’t let institutions of supposed higher learning do your defining because for the most part, they will fail you.

As I often say, you might lose your virginity attending college, you might not. But you will definitely lose your sense of humour.

Fuck’em if they can’t take a joke. 😉

I’m going to try to give you a working definition of what it means to be a man and I’m going to use the shield you see in front of you to do it.

Here’s some mythology to preface my remarks:

– Ancient Chinese tell of a chaotic world into which Pan Gu the Giant was born, who then pushes the heavens and earth apart to create order.

– Yin and Yang were born of chaos and reside at the center of the earth. They represent the intertwined nature of order and chaos.

– Yang is masculine action while Yin the feminine force of observation, the two expansive and contractive forces of nature.

– In the Yin and Yang symbol, order is white with a black dot, while Chaos is black with a white dot, each seeded with the other’s possibility. Order can become chaotic, and chaos can be ordered.

– The Greeks had a similar view of chaos as the natural state of the world in which the Gods were created to bring order. Chaos is first mentioned by the Greek Hesiod in “Theogony” some three thousand years ago.

The above gives us two Life Forces, Feminine Chaos and Masculine Order, both of which exist in us all. Though women will hold more chaos and men more order, at least, that’s the theory or the ideal.

I suggest that what is happening in our times is that in a great worldwide vacuum of male weakness, order is being supplanted by chaos.

Read the essay Men at Work to find out what brought us here:

Let’s contrast men and women’s lived experience.

She is the burdened female because she holds more negative emotion (which lets her see sickness in children and danger in the environment), menstruates, grows life inside her, and risks her own death in childbirth.

Think that counts as a burden? No male can ever know this.

She is precious because she has scant twenty good years of fertility while men can usually father children into old age. Men also use beauty to motivate themselves and her beauty is fleeting.

He has his own cross to bear as the expendable male. Nature usually makes more boys, 51 to 49%. More boys are born than females because more boys die in childbirth or are born with problems.

Most prisoners are male. More men commit suicide. Men die earlier.

All the riskiest jobs are predominantly male. Roofers, loggers, plumbers, mechanics, carpenters, miners, firefighters, iron workers, truck drivers, cement masons, power lineman, crane operators, highway workers and garbage collectors are more than 80% male.

But it is as a powerful defender that the expendable male earns his keep.

Work place deaths? 95% male. War casualties? 85% male. More than 80% of cops are male. It is men who defend families, and who teach brothers to defend sisters from predatory males.

Of course, there is some overlap between men and women. Missus doesn’t trust me to get the garbage out on time so has put the garbage out for the last 17 years. Bless her heart. Both sexes are relatively adaptable.

Men and women have always banded together to take advantage of each other’s strengths and to shore up each other’s weaknesses. Together, they are Team Human.

With all that said, what defines a man is his ability to defend. 

He is a powerful defender, or he is NOT a man.

I can hear the guffaws from here.

Let me give you an irrefutable argument as to why this is:

If you refuse to defend, someone else, one of the other MEN, has to step into the breech and defend for you.

Someone else has to risk their life to do your defending.

That’s OK if you are sick, injured, or a child.

And I’m not talking about conscientious objectors to something like the war in Vietnam. I’m talking about being under attack, culturally or otherwise.

It’s NOT OK if you are a grown male who refuses to be a man.

It is not manly to weakly abdicate your defender responsibility.

And leave it to some other brother to take up your slack.

To be a man you must defend life. Period.

This is how nature sets things up.

She creates life.

You defend life.

Together, we survive the suffering of our existence together.

One last thing. About 10% of people are dark triad types, meaning psychopathology, narcissism, Machiavellianism, or just plain cruel.

These personality disordered mother fuckers are most dangerous as males and often easily hide their disorder among us.

When men are weak and stop defending, who do you think rises to the fore and starts running things?

Exactly. Look around you.

Let that be your challenge my brothers.

I am calling upon you to stand shoulder to shoulder with me and other MEN in defense of meaning and freedom.

Join a men’s group near you or join me online in the 10MM men’s groups. 

Just make sure you bring the defender ethos to your tribe. 

Start by defending your body, the universal address of your existence.

Defend your spirit, which speaks for your soul.

Defend belonging, your family, friends, community and culture.

Defend your work, your business, your money.

And follow your masculine destiny as a man.

The world desperately needs powerful men.

Questions? Comments?

true and free

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CONDOLENCES ATM news 14June2023

Death is an inevitable part of life.

If you have lost someone dear recently, you have my deepest sympathies.

The truth is, all of us have lost or will lose loved ones. The deeper the bond the greater the ordeal.

As a man, you need to be ready for death.

Dealing with it will fall to you. It’s not your fault if this doesn’t come naturally, as a society we tend to make death and dying off-limits.

Amongst men, we need to talk about it.

In the second appendix of SIPPING FEAR PISSING CONFIDENCE, I tell of how I learned the phrase, “The Pain Stops Here.” Access the book to get the full story.

Essentially, a friend of mine with three sons lost the youngest in a tragic accident. His family was devastated: wife under unimaginable pain, his remaining two boys lost and confused.

Despite his own grief, in short order he gathered his remaining family and had them share their memories and suffering, promising they’d be heard.

Then he told them, “The pain stops here.”

They kept their memories intact and moved ahead in honour of their lost family member. It would have been an insult to his life to do otherwise.

My friend saved his family from a lifetime of self-recriminating regret in that one instance of masculine leadership.

It was hugely difficult, everyone cried, but they did it.

His sons grew up and started families of their own. I see pictures on FB every year as he takes his wife on their annual ski holiday. Bless them.

Leadership at times like these is a task that falls to men, to you and me.

Aim to be the most reliable person at a funeral, JP said…

Ma went after a two-day vigil at her home, surrounded by nine adult children and her husband of sixty-two years.

I had the privilege of leading my siblings in prayer for much of those two days. My father gratefully said I was the “emergent leader” of the family.

Bless his heart. He died five years later of dementia.

A man who uses his power and love in service of himself and others finds meaning and freedom.

Seems to me we can prepare now for the inevitable.

And heal us a little too.

If I may, the following is what has helped me over the years…

That you exist over there while those whom you care for exist elsewhere is an inadequate way to describe what it is to be humans.

Fact is… we exist in each other.

I have things that I say nowadays I know came directly from my mother.

Kids scrape a knee and bleed a little and I always think (and sometimes say) “that’s the badness coming out.”

“No rest for the wicked” is another one of hers… It just pops out of me.

Or the old man.

I was putting my two kids in the car seven or eight years ago and once in their car seats I said, “Watch your fingers, watch your toes, canteen open, canteen close…” out of the blue.

It was just like when Dad was putting us nine kids in the ’67 Pontiac Parisienne, one up, one back, baby on a knee, no seatbelts.

The old man retired a Lt. Commander, and that little ditty was what they said on the navy ships to close the canteen. He used it to get us kids to keep our fingers away from the jambs whilst he was slamming the doors shut.

When I said that to my children, it was the first time I heard it in over 40 years. But it came out automatically. From somewhere deep within me.

In that very instance, I was my father who exists in me.

He was not and is not gone at all.

There’s a ton of things that I have picked up from those around me over the years. Even if those people live in another city and I will never likely see them again, do I grieve them?

Or do I just remember “Oh yes, I learned that from so and so….”

It is similar when you lose someone you were close to. You may be unsure of where you exist in them once they pass on, but they are still in you.

The people you care about and spend time with echo endlessly down through time in you and others left behind.

Assuredly too, they appear… here and there.

Like my father and mother often do, as well as countless friends, some still around and some who are gone, they speak… through me.

Because they are not gone at all. We exist in each other…

We might keep grief around out of loyalty to our lost one. This is misplaced pain. Not a chance our beloved would want a lifetime of regret for us.

Better to honour them by living the best life we can.

Last night I was speaking with my Missus about these things.

OK, it wasn’t supper table talk but later in the evening. I remarked on how this was the best of times for us, that the children and her and me were connecting magically each day. She agreed.

I’m a quite a bit older than she is, so I told her that even when I’m gone, she will always have these moments to look back on. She said it would make her miss me. I told her I’d always be with her.

That even now, when I’m out and about, shopping or running errands, her words and image come to my mind and heart. Around the house it’s the same. She is always in me.

We have learned plenty from each other. I told her I would not want her to suffer my loss and reassured her that I will always be with her. She will also know she got the very best of me. That was my gift to her.

Over the years I’ve had the privilege of explaining this viewpoint to many men to help in being able to lead his family in their time of need.

For this, falls to men.

If not you, then who?

I send you blessings of power and love.

true and free…


I do free calls with men (and sometimes women) to see if I can help and sometimes I agree to work with them.

Book here:
Advisor to Men ™



You can look up the original story of Oedipus Rex, a play by Sophocles some 2400 years ago.

The short form is that a King is warned by an oracle that his son would slay him. When his wife has a baby boy, he tells her to leave the kid in the mountains to die. The boy is rescued by a sympathetic shepherd who gives him to a messenger who gives him to a different king.

Later as an adult, the boy consults an oracle himself and is told he is fated to kill his father and marry his mother. Pissed, he leaves and swears to never return home.

So, he fucks off towards the city of Thebes. On his way there, he ends up killing a man in a quarrel over who has the right of way out on the road. Road rage has a long history apparently.

When he gets to the city of Thebes, he finds at its entrance a Sphinx devouring humans who don’t answer a question correctly.

Our man solves the riddle posed by the Sphinx to get in. Thus defeated, the Sphinx departs. The locals are so impressed that our man is awarded the kingdom and its Queen.

Sure enough, he moves in with the Queen, who, it just so happens, had been recently widowed… after her King was killed while out on the road. Some time later, after our man is well settled in, a wizard reveals to them the truth of the oracle’s predictions.

With the gig up, the queen kills herself for breaking the incest taboo and banging her own son. Meanwhile, the son gouges out his eyes in disgrace for having witnessed his mother’s carnal love.

Some versions say he rules blind until his death while other another version mentions he’s sent packing. Either way, it’s creepy shit.  Fucking Greeks eh?

Freud seized upon this tragedy to speak of the Oedipal male: the boy in love with his mother and who secretly hates his father while seeing him as a rival for her love.

This my friends, lies at the core of male weakness all over the world. Man boys get stuck here.

My son was five when he overheard me call missus my woman at the supper table. “Dad,” he said, “Mommy is MY woman” he insisted. What ensued was the sweetest exchange between father and son, a push and pull that has gone on for two years (and is still ongoing).

Last year, I overheard him telling his mother he was going to marry her when he grew up. She told him she couldn’t but that he would always be her “Little Bear.” That’s her pet name for him.

Over the past two years he’s grown more accustomed to me. I’ve taught him a few things and let him hit the heavy bag in the garage. He accompanied me on walks after dark in the forest, testing the limits of his fear. He pushes the 5 lbs. dumbbells in my office. He tells me of how he will defeat all sorts of imaginary enemies. Now he sits with me on the couch sometimes. Recently, just to see, I asked him about whose woman mommy was, he told me, “How about we share her…” He is making progress.

And of course we do share her. Just as surely as he will slowly withdraw from the influence of his mother over the coming years and come more and more under mine. He will need this as the demands of life on a little boy add up and compound through adolescence to where he requires the powerful masculine to help him negotiate obstacles that are sure to be in his path.

This is the “cure” for the oedipal male: to move away from the feminine and towards the masculine. It is every male’s rite of passage, a necessity of male maturation. For now my son must bask in the glory of feeling fully loved by his mom. He must see her as his primary “angel of mercy” as she nurses him through his first ten years. He is delicate of heart, and my son’s medical conditions mean his mother is vigilant and near. He is secure in her love and attention and his confidence shows it. He’s fearless with people, will talk to anyone. And day by day he gains more masculine power from the safety of her support.

But eventually, her love and attention will suffocate him. His lifeforce will be that much stronger for having had her in his corner, as a foundation of security and tenderness he may call upon forever more. However, he will need to shed her chaos and move towards masculine order to find meaning and freedom.

At some point, the boy must leave the mother to become a man.

Absent this natural transition, and without this period of reveling in the embrace and security of her feminine love, the danger is that he will seek her out in others for many years.

Some men do this for life, and never get the message, never feeling satiated, carrying a mother wanting with them into every decade and into every failed or unsatisfying relationship. Every addict and pick up artist suffers from this effect. Many other men are needy and weak or tyrants and aloof. It’s the mother wound: a maelstrom of confusion and anxiety and expectations and fear…

And just as it is natural for my little boy to slowly move into the masculine, such is the cure for the adult Oedipal male. He must find men and learn to absorb the masculine while abandoning his over-reliance on the feminine. He must confront his weakness and find his power. He must reclaim his masculinity while getting out from under the spellbinding power of the feminine. Later he finds his own feminine aspect rather than look for his mother in others. The anima. He welcomes back his feminine side only after first finding his masculine.

He must reverse the flow. He grows to no longer expect love at all, but rather realizes he has an abundant reserve of masculine power and love within him to share with others. He must get out of his head and instead, open his heart. Not to receive, but to give.

He uses his power and love in service of himself and others to find meaning and freedom.

For he realizes that the only person in the world upon whom he may reliably count on with any confidence for unconditional love is himself.

Anything less and he remains a boy…

Stay powerful, never give up, This is the day…


Advisor to Men ™


Trained behavioural science counsellor for 35 years.
I do free calls for members and sometimes agree to work with a man: |https://go.oncehub.com/ChristopherWallace



Big mistake to share the book with your missus. Better to make the changes on your own and earn and/or take respect and win hearts and mind to earn her loyalty. Off the top of my head, here are ten reasons you should not share the book with your gal.

1. Sharing the book with her gives you an excuse to say, “See, it’s not my fault.” This is true. But it’s also an attempt to seek maternal acceptance, which is your problem in the first place.

2. Sharing the book with her burdens her. She carries more negative emotion in general, something she uses to spot sickness and danger in her environment. Some of the stuff in the book applies to you and some or much of it does not. If she reads the book, you are on the hook for all of it.

3. Sharing the book with her means she becomes your examiner, and you must meet her expectations to grow all while she keeps score. I won’t elaborate on that, figure it out.

4. Sharing the book with her may trigger, “abuse of empathy is a woman’s birthright” when she’s feeling uncertain and out of sorts. You will have handed her an irrefutable position that is right… about everything.

5. Sharing the book with her means all of your faults are on the table, none of hers. Forget about broaching this in the future. You will have lost your moral authority.

6. Sharing the book with her was an idea Glover promoted when he was conducting couples counselling and was there to referee. Tell me about how Glover has moved into your house.

7. Sharing the book with her means she gets to evaluate every aspect of the Breaking Free exercises and Rules to live by through a “what does this mean for me?” lens. That cannot help but leave her feeling as if you are pulling away from her.

8. Sharing the book with her lets her know that you are preoccupied with your weakness. This tends to form even greater contempt. Contempt is the greatest predictor of break ups.

9. Sharing the book with her means that she walks outside every day and stares at the blue sky above and says to herself, “I have failed,” for her one job in life was to find a powerful man who would stand by and build a tribe with her. Instead, she chose a child.

10. Sharing the book with her is like talking to her in a foreign language. Why? Because women don’t get male weakness. Even female therapists don’t, and why I think they should be avoided. You don’t bleed out of your vagina every month; your body doesn’t balloon up grotesquely in pregnancy; you don’t risk your life delivering life; you are not saddled with worry and anxiety keeping a child alive as she is; and you don’t watch your youthful beauty come and go in the span of a few years like she does. You will never know any of this. And now you want to talk to her about what a pussy you are. Even if she knows you are a pussy, she will have as much empathy for your troubles as you do for her feminine woes.

It’s too easy to convince yourself that you are doing the right thing by sharing your weakness with your wife, but you should not trust your covert-contract, give-to-get, passive-aggressive judgment.

Instead, join a men’s group like 10MM and work out your shit amongst men.

Said with love and compassion, I’ve got your back…

true and free…

* Join the 10MM boards here:



FEELINGS explained (5 min read + 1 min summary)

Brother, there is so much talk out there about men getting in touch with their feelings, it’s enough to make your head spin.

This is probably a good thing because men are good at suppressing emotion to get through immediate challenges, but it’s repression that bites us in the ass. Denying how we feel hurts us longer term.

Let me see if I can give you some simple truths.

Your emotions happen first when the body’s “Spidey Sense” figures out where it is in the environment. ex. raining, cold, hot, dark, light, at a beach, or walking through South Chicago at 2 am. etc.

It contrasts this with the body’s internal condition such as: hungry, need to take a piss, a #2, coming down with a flu or sniffles, allergies, a good or bad night’s sleep, or a sore back, knees, neck, or headache, etc.

These combine to create something called affect, which comes in two kinds: comfort vs discomfort or aroused vs relaxed.

Follow so far?

This affective state is sent up the nervous system pipeline to the brain in a process called interoception.

Mammals have seven affective drives: seeking, care, lust, and play, plus rage, fear and grief.

Emotions are what happens in the body while feelings are the labels you give to those affective sensations.

The brain takes the primary signaling from the body and runs it by secondary concepts formed from your databank of experiences (all the way back to birth) and creates a prediction.

Then, you either confirm or deny the prediction according to the social reality before you.

For example, recently, I saw a white Samoyed dog in my chicken pen while looking out my kitchen window. Snapping my head back to look again, I saw it was two white chickens, the one in the rear our big matriarchal hen fluffing up her feathers with her tail arching over her back.

Missus looked out at the bird feeder few days later and said, “Oh look, a duck.” Looking again she saw it was actually a red squirrel with its tail pointed out resembling a duck beak.

You overhear a conversation you interpret as negative and feel aroused, only to listen more carefully and realize they are actually saying something else. Now you relax and feel another way entirely.

We all do these sorts of things every day in all kinds of circumstances.

What this tells you is that what your brain interprets… is milliseconds behind messaging from the body.

What goes on in your head is a best-guess by the brain awaiting correction.

It’s also why we can be fooled by affective reality derived from those seven emotional drives. We can be blinded by seeking, care, play, rage, fear, grief… and lust.

Tell me about it. Ever happen to you?

Since you were a kid, those primary drive affects secondarily became states like empathy, trust, pride and blame, guilt and shame.

You later named those feelings in the “tertiary” part of your brain at the neocortex and formed beliefs about yourself and your reality.

That’s Feelings 1-2-3 you could say.

It’s why I teach that what people say is not so much a contract with the people around them and more like a trial balloon floated for feedback.

It’s why learning to paraphrase helps us understand each other.

The key is to realize the brain is predictive, not reactive

Your take on your emotions is derived from your experience.

You are run by your nervous system and your conscious awareness is along for the ride.

If you feel something today, you have likely felt it before.

There is nothing new to the brain. Everything is compared historically.

You see the ocean for the first time and the brain compares it to the big lake you went to as a kid.

Encounter a mountain range, the brain sees them as bigger hills.

Your feelings are unique to you because no one has ever lived your exact experience and no one ever will. That has social consequences.

Think of when you can’t seem to connect with someone you just met. It’s probably not that you are psychopathic (though you could be). More likely, you just don’t share enough similar concepts to identity with each other.

What does all this mean for you going forward?

To me, it means we take 100% responsibility. 100% ownership.

The advantage? The buck stops here.

Your freedom is in fully owning your thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

Think about it: it’s all we ever truly own in life anyway.

You may realize the good news:
1. You can change your feelings by living new experiences
(doing things differently).
2. To change how you feel, change how you think and what you do.

Use your body to create different affective states.

Use your mind to change the interpretations of those states, experiences and even, memories, at the tertiary (interpretative) level of emotion.

Breathwork, mindful practices, self hypnosis, optimism and getting better at connecting with others are some of the best ways to do this.

Join a men’s group: make it a mandatory part of your life. Our need to belong is our greatest need. We are herd animals

My suggestion is you re-read this a few times and refer to it in the future.

If you can solve your emotions and feelings, you are in charge.

Here’s a summary:

Understanding Your Feelings: A Simplified Guide for Men

As men, we’re often taught to suppress our emotions, but this can come back to hurt us in the long run. Here are some simple truths to help you better understand your feelings:

  • Your emotions are the result of your body’s “Spidey Sense” figuring out where you are in your environment and your internal bodily conditions. Together, they create an affective state of either comfort or discomfort, and arousal or relaxation.
  • Your brain then takes this primary signaling from the body and runs it through secondary concepts formed from your databank of experiences, creating a prediction that can be confirmed or denied based on the social reality before you.
  • Emotions happen in the body, while feelings are the labels you give to those affective sensations. Your brain is predictive, not reactive, and your feelings are unique to you based on your individual experiences.
  • To better understand your feelings and take 100% ownership of your thoughts, feelings, and behavior, consider joining a men’s group, practicing breathwork and mindfulness, and better connecting with others.
  • You can change your feelings by living new experiences, changing how you think, and what you do. Use your body to create different affective states, and your mind to change the interpretations of those states, experiences, and memories.

By understanding your feelings and taking responsibility for them, you can experience true and lasting freedom.

true and free…


Advisor to Men ™


Join a men’s group here:




For many years, I operated a business running door to door sales teams. I started in the magazine business when I was a sixteen-year-old teenager out on my own. I always thought it was something I’d do until I found something better.

I did many other things over the course of my working life. The list of jobs I’ve worked at are numerous involving trades and warehouse and retail as well as forays into the unconventional. Eventually, I found my way into the behavioural sciences and counselling.

Early on though, when on a break from one of those pursuits, asking myself, ”what will I do now?” I often found myself back in door-to-door sales.

No matter where I was dropped in the world, I figured I could get a product, organize a workforce, and create a business out of thin air.

The cashless society nowadays would kill that. You need a debit machine to operate and the street entrepreneur is highly disadvantaged without them.

When print versions of newspapers were still viable, I had crews running door and kiosk sales in seven cities with up to a hundred and fifty reps and fifteen managers under me. The North American company I was privileged to work for even made me Senior VP, Canada.

I did that until 2015 and would have rode it into the sunset if not for the digital age killing legacy print media. Externalities, you see…

The following were the two most essential rules to my success.

Taking on new hires almost daily means constant exposure to a myriad of personality types, values, and experience. I was consistently challenged in every possible way.

But by putting the work first, we dampened the various egos and were able to collectively engage in this shared fiction we called “work” successfully.

Every venture I was involved in was made possible precisely because of this. It was my rallying cry.

If you have ever had occasion to team lead or manage, you will see right away how helpful this principle can be. If you are just starting a job, this keeps you focused on what is important. Make the job the boss.

The second rule is one of personal responsibility. You exist in a competitive world where others may be more advantaged.

I teach that all we truly own in life are our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.

We also only have three things to offer the world: Time, talent, and effort. These are the great equalizers. You maximize time and talent with effort.

A person who can understand and use these simple truths in his favour, will go further.

Combined with “make the job the boss,” not letting anyone outwork you provides your best shot at excellence.

Decide to leave no stone unturned when it comes to your effort.

The Pareto Principle says that 80% of production comes from 20% of the people. This applies to almost anything. Be part of the 20%.

In summary, my two rules for success are simple but effective: prioritize the work and take full personal responsibility. Make the job the boss and don’t let anyone outwork you.

By following these personal promises, you’ll be on your way to running things.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out.

true and free…

* As a former insomniac, I had to learn self-hypnosis to learn how to shut my brain down at night.
I still use these strategies to this day. Get your free sleep cure course here.

I do free calls for my readers and sometimes agree to work with a man…
Book here: |


Let’s make sure we understand each other. Integration is about taking disparate parts of your psyche and integrated them into a meaningful whole. It is an act of reconstituting the self.

Integration is the process of combining various aspects of one’s personality, beliefs, or experiences and forming these into a cohesive and unified being.

It comes from the idea that people have distinct parts or aspects of themselves that don’t always work together harmoniously.

For example, a person may have conflicting beliefs or values, or they may have experiences which have left them feeling fragmented or disconnected. Often such persons are easily “hooked” by circumstances into responses which do not match the context before them.

So how does this happen? The short answer is Life.

A child arrives with an inborn temperament full of potential and possibilities. Ask any parent what is the same about their children and in no time, they will tell you what is different. Each child is a unique being, never seen before and never to be seen again.

Add to this, epigenetic influences on ancestral DNA affect your methyl groups. Methylation will turn on or off some of chromosomes in response to the environment, minimizing or exaggerating responses.

This is one way generational pain transfers from parents and grandparents to their descendants, a process exacerbated by the child’s inborn sense of justice. Let me explain.

Imagine three puppets sitting in a circle in front of some kids. The puppet in the middle takes a ball and rolls it to the puppet on the right, and that puppet rolls the ball back. Then the middle puppet rolls the ball to the puppet on the left and that puppet fucks off with the ball.

Afterwards, the well behaved and misbehaved puppets are placed before the kids with a cookie in front of each puppet. Each child is invited to take ONE cookie from the puppet of their choice.

Which puppet does the child take the cookie from?

If you answered, the misbehaved puppet, you would be correct more than 80% of the time, according to author of Just Babies, Yale University’s Paul Bloom.

We are talking one-year-olds, who Bloom says already have a rudimentary sense of compassion and even empathy, as well as a moral sense, and already know a bit about right and wrong.

Things usually go OK until the kid starts moving around more at age 3 or 4 years old. Then for his own safety, his caregivers direct him to behave certain ways, both for survival reasons and to socialize the kid so others will tolerate him as he grows (and help keep him alive).

Most parents and caregivers use a threat and reward approach. You do as I say, and you get my acceptance. This carrot and stick methodology works. Problems arise when a child’s caregivers use approaches that are beyond the child’s level of cognitive ability and emotional comprehension.

Children experience families physically. They attune to parents, especially the mother (the most important relationship).

At first, a child will use their innate sense of justice to resist, but soon they must give in to their caregiver’s demands. They have little choice: It is this caregiver upon whom they depend for their entire succorance. For life itself.

To pull off that neat little psychological two-step and allow the caregivers to prevail longer term, we incorporate this language-based operating system, usually in the left brain for 95% of people, as something Jung called the conforming ego. Freud referred to it as the superego.

The ego, or integrated nervous system, denies, distorts, and represses inner and/or outer reality to lessen anxiety and depression (Both are future-based problems).

The conforming ego is a lot like ghost-like voices of your parents and other caregivers pushing you around.

Get occasional imposter syndrome? Thank your caregivers.

Do you live with the dread that if people find out that you are not what you want them to believe about you… that they will stop loving you and abandon you? Thank your caregivers.

Feel a deep shame and brokenness? Thank the adults around you when you were a kid.

You cannot get away from belonging, from an existence that involves others. Our need to belong is #1 and underpins the whole emotional system.

When we connect, we feel good. If we disconnect, we feel bad.

The goal of integration is to reconcile these different parts and achieve wholeness and coherence. This can involve exploring and acknowledging all aspects of oneself, including the difficult or uncomfortable parts, and finding ways to integrate them into a more complete sense of self.

“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control.” – Jordan Peterson

Maybe, maybe not. Certainly, true for a Type One Nice Guy. (yours truly) But this quote speaks to the same process for all of us…

For the psyche is indiscriminate in the way it goes about fracturing itself into pieces and hiding them deep in the recesses of your mind.

What I mean is that it hides some of your good along with what it rejects as whatever perceived malevolence you may or may not have been dealing with in the moment as your younger self.

The problem with this is that over years and decades, that kind of compartmentalizing starts to wear down its container and bust out at the seams. You get leakage…

These hidden parts act out increasingly as you age. Louder, more insistent, more demanding, and increasingly with bad timing.

I know you know what I mean…

So you must do the work. No way around it.

And it will be the best work you ever do.

Your masculine destiny depends on it.

Questions? Thoughts? Comments?

true and free…

THE FLAKY DATE part 1 (how to use dating apps)


 part one

A man asks why are dating app women apt to be so flaky?

Let’s face it, it’s a fair question.

Dating apps continue to change how we meet up and there is no end to it yet. Guys find some gals don’t show up, or show up once and then ghost, and just act… flaky.

According to eHarmony, 20% of relationships in the west were founded in dating apps. Including 7% of marriages…

My #1 son is a dating app veteran pro. He married a delightful gal whom he met online a few years back. She soon took him to Ireland… never to return.

But what about the flaky bit? First thing to remember is that not every woman is on a dating app. So if you don’t like how you are being treated, there are other options.

The platforms exaggerate her advantages to the point of tyranny. Sure, that is annoying to you, but it tyrannizes her as well, just differently.

To better understand, let’s first look at how we evolved to find love.

For the longest time, families decided whom their daughters would marry, still a practice held dear all over the world. Not only that, you have more diverse female ancestors. Back in the day, almost every woman became pregnant, whereas only 30% of men produced an offspring.

In western culture, over the last hundred years both men and women have been freer to choose a mate.

The precious female creator of life typically self-assesses against her peers in adolescence. She may or may not keep her sexuality under wraps as she becomes acutely aware of where she fits in the peer attractiveness hierarchy. Fitting in is critical to the sisterhood as I’ll explain shortly.

First, from what I know, women don’t generally rank each other the way men rank them. We might say “she’s a 5, or she’s an 8.” Regardless, most gals know where they stand comparatively.

Ex. a gal ranked #3 doesn’t even usually try to date the football team quarterback. He’s head cheerleader stuff all day long. You know it, I know it, we all know it (the odd exception doesn’t disprove the general rule).

When she is ready, her hormones will tell her to seek a man in her environment who matches or slightly exceeds her self-assessment. Why would she proceed any other way? After all, one of her risks is that she sells herself short.

She signals him, and if he doesn’t respond, she’ll think he’s not interested. If he does, she encourages him, and he chases her until she catches him.

It’s nature’s way of ensuring they both feel like someone’s chosen.

We shouldn’t kid ourselves, she usually orchestrates, and she does the choosing. Many a man thinks he swept her off her feet only to realize weeks, months or years later, that she was pulling the strings all along.

That doesn’t mean a man can’t send a gal into a tizzy of “pick me” desire on occasion. Sometimes a certain male comes along and she finds herself surprisingly… “stirred.” She can be triggered, so don’t give up gents!

Ah yes, love is grand, and people negotiate desire amongst each other every day. That cologne you wear, clean shirt, brushed teeth? All these can be part of romantic persuasion. We are adaptable. We can be sold.

Unfortunately, dating apps give her too many choices and often, flakiness is a nasty side effect.

It’s like that study I read about many years ago where a supermarket offered more than a couple dozen flavours of ice cream or something at a snack bar. Sales were so bad they considered closing it down and to cut costs, dropped their menu offering to just five or six flavours. Sales took off and the place stayed open.

It is ironic that dating apps created by men have inundated women with the equivalent of exactly what happened at the supermarket snack bar. Not only do dating profile swipes make the number of her choices overwhelming, but it also further commoditizes human relationships.

I bet you may be all for it if it means you are going to be licked like ice cream, but that’s not what I mean, again, unfortunately.

Dating apps make the expendable male even more expendable.

There is also the protection factor.

A girl can’t be too careful (as they’ve been rightly told since they were knee high). In the old days she could rely on her father and brothers for backup. That’s all gone now, or there is very little of it. Over 30% of women in the west have no children at all. She may not even have a brother.

If you read me, I teach about how women generally carry more negative emotion than men. This evolutionary adaptation helps her spot sickness in others (especially children) and danger in her environment.

It is worth filtering any view of her actions with compassion for this sex difference (amongst many others).

I’m not a fan of dating apps and never recommend them. I also understand some of you feel there is not much choice but to use them. I get that. So as a last resort, how can you use them wisely?

First it means NOT taking it too personally when one gal acts flaky.

That may be a gift, a litmus test of your own security. Think of it that way.

It might also be you and your approach (all feedback is worth considering) but it’s just as likely that it’s her.

Women tend to choose for power, kindness, industriousness.

I like to sum that up as Defend, Deliver, Decide. Only fucked up broads are attracted to assholes. Don’t ask me how I know.

If I was going to use a dating app, I’d put up a professional photo hinting at my personality. I’d want to look powerful without being morose, or angry, conveying both kindness and capability.

I’d write a bio that captures my style and attitude about life, and I might include something about what I like to do.

Not a chance would I try to match what I think she’s looking for. I would, however, keep things positive and focus on my strengths and what I’m looking for.

In part two of this series, we’ll take a deeper dive into what works.

Probably a third of women on dating apps use them to get laid (damn feminists!) and that means two thirds of them use dating apps to meet a suitable man. One of the men told me last night he thinks first date sex is a sign she does not see you as viable long term material (damn feminists!).

You can do what you want but I’m more of a one man-one woman type who takes on a partner with whom he can build a life.

Men and women have always banded together to take advantage of each other’s strengths and shore up each other’s weaknesses. As with anything, Team Human is the only approach for me.

Should I get any traction with a gal, I tease a little, even cajole her, to test if she has a sense of humour, and more importantly, a sense of adventure. I am looking for surrender.

If by chance I was to agree to meet a gal in person, on a “date” from a “dating app,” in my opinion, there is only one way to proceed. It requires an attitude found in what I teach young men first asking a gal out.

Ex. “I am planning to go do such and such on this day or that day, would you like to come along?”

If she was nervous, I might say it in a way that lets her know others are there (remember her negative emotion: think safety).

The message I want her to get is that I can go alone, that I don’t need her, but that I would tolerate her in my life on a test basis, however briefly, and make the best of it… AND keep her safe. “Wanna come?”

Even seventeen years into my current relationship, this is how I tell Missus anything about what I’m up to. It permeates daily life between us.

Think of ways to incorporate this attitude across the board with women.

Meanwhile, having set my app profile, I’d get busy doing other shit.

That means out of the house and around others serving my community in some way. There are a ton of charities and service organizations where you can meet other people while doing good. Maybe you could even found one.

Before you go anywhere, read and practice Rapport Made Easy:  https://advisortomen.com/rapport-made-easy/

Here’s another not-so-secret secret: the sisterhood gathers for safety and vets potential partners for each other.

Go out and make yourself powerful among mixed company and before you know it, women will signal you. If you treat everyone well, you may find gals who introduce you to others… who in turn, will signal you.

You may even forget you were ever on a dating app.

Questions? Comments?

true and free…

Next week, part two of this series covers how to use a dating app successfully. I’ll teach you the subtle art of “the hook” I use to test for surrender…





THE FLAKY DATE part 2 (how to use dating apps)

Ice storm knocked my power is out… and life goes on. A little propane… and coffee. A generator and extensions and guidance from my 9-year-old… and weak internet.

So here is part 2 of our series on using dating apps. It’s a full essay of information so takes 10 minutes to read. No matter your current situation, it’s worthwhile because the trend is growing, not decreasing. You likely will either use them or know someone who uses them in the future.

Last week, I went over some of the pitfalls of dating apps, including how multiples of choice at times tyrannizes both the men and women who use the platforms.

Because women do the choosing, the disadvantages here fall to us men. The sheer volume of options she holds in the palm of her hand (literally) are overwhelming.

Women follow a three phase life trajectory: maiden, mother, matriarch. Her time in each, as first a maiden and then a mother, is further limited by her fertility and any aging children she has produced, and in rarer cases, how she looks after sometimes ailing or elderly parents.

The grandmother hypothesis says women’s fertility stops in her forties to make her available to help a daughter raise their own children.

In the fifty years or more since this was proposed, nothing has disproved it yet. We still see this clearly in smaller tribal groups and often in closer-knit societies and families.

I’d argue it is this overall limited fertility period which gives a woman her preciousness.

For perspective, just think of how a man can continue fathering children into old age. Remember that dude in 2007 who fathered a healthy baby girl with his fourth wife at 90 years old?

He told The India-Times he intended to stop having children when he hits the big 100 years of age. Champ.

Her preciousness also burdens her, as she benefits from a greater acuity at spotting sickness in children and danger in the environment (by way of a negativity bias).

This “gift” is at the same time helpful but also often a mystery few women understand.

You get the odd old gal who, looking back on her life, will admit, “I was a nut” or “I drove myself crazy” or such things.

I think most gals don’t see it though (or do but fail to admit it).

I tend to believe one reason is because the majority don’t have a powerful man by her side to help “check” her negativity bias, sometimes acting indirectly in how he leads the relationship to steer her, and others, clear of her discomfort and sometimes, her storms.

Instead, you now have a feminized culture projecting this negativity bias onto its male members. In our collective weakness, we have made ourselves easy targets. Masculinity itself is under attack.

Just this morning, I read journalist describe Trump’s response to being charged with 34 counts of “whatever” as being met with his usual “hyper-masculinity.” Talk about painting all men with the same brush.

This is the culture in which women have to find connection, maybe love, maybe a partner.

If she is in the maiden maturational phase, time is of the essence (as the real estate contract clause goes), and her risk to self concept and social standing has never been so great.

She often gets only marginal help, as many women are now operating outside the deeper community of support women evolved to rely upon.

In the quiet of the internet, her shadow can prevail.

My son Corrie straddled the digital and in-person dating modes and found a wife. Or… more accurately, she found him. Now aged 39, I got him to read The Flaky Date part one.

I remember him telling me back then that his dating life changed as soon as he grew a “sea captain” beard.

He’s a good looking kid but in a world of confused men, such first impressions count. It is not lost on me that this symbolized manliness to many women and turned their heads his way.

Beards have become fashionable again. We all should have bought equity in a beard oil company a while back.

My number one son offers you some of his thoughts on using dating apps, included here only slightly edited. He says:

“#1. Dating (and dating online) is no different than sales.

It is a numbers game and requires persistence and the ability to not take “no” personally.

Some women aren’t even there to actually meet men, but rather use it as a quick form of validation via matches and guys fawning over them, only to disappear when she’s done playing with you.

Let it go and don’t get attached.  Until you’ve met them, to me, they aren’t real.  They may as well have been a bot.

Think of it as nothing but a fake profile from the app itself trying to keep male user retention high (this has an added benefit of protecting the ego).

#2. Not all apps are created equally.

Tinder for example is primarily visual. It’s the easiest for women to use, men too, and you in turn, get a higher rate of flakes.  It may attract gals who aren’t serious about meeting or are only serious about a specific type of male (her preference or higher value male).

Don’t invest time in analysing women’s photos and making a pros and cons list before giving them the go ahead, say yes to everyone and see who you match with, then filter based on what your wide net brought you.

Use catch and release.

#3. When it comes to pictures, profiles, and messages, just like sales, less is often more. For starters, pictures should tell a specific story that will validate you in some way to your prospective match.

a.  Dressy photo (wedding, professional event, etc.) to show that when necessary, you clean up well.

b. Social photo, preferably with 1 or 2 attractive women. But not where you’re draped all over them or with an ex.

This is to show that you aren’t an incel/recluse and that other attractive women are happy to be in your presence (or at the very least can tolerate you).

If you have a social photo where you’re laughing, that tells them you’re fun to be around, great!

c. Another photo should be some kind of action photo.

Do you ski, hike, fish, play sports, etc.?

Show them you are an independent person and lead a happy and fulfilling life regardless of your relationship status (I had a skydiving photo for instance).

d. Got a dog?

Great! I’m convinced that Mr. Newman (my dog) has gotten me laid more times than I’d ever had been able to without him.

If the guy has a cat, consider getting rid of that cat because that’s just gay, let’s be real😉 (cw: don’t hate!)

However, pics of you and your dog are easy for women to like and an easy conversation starter once you’re in contact with them.

Your profile pictures tell a story, so it’s important that a guy chooses them wisely.

Topless muscle photos are “douchey.” An exception is when it’s an action shot playing volleyball with friends and pretty women, which is less vain and therefore, less “douchey” (douchie?).

Also, topless muscle pics scream to women “I just want to fuck,” and you’ll turn some off unnecessarily.

Same goes for sloppy-slob photos where you’re unkempt. Women don’t want to be your mom (ouch! cw).

Keep total photos to no more than 6 but no less than 3.

#4. First messages.

Sure, you can spend 20 minutes reading a woman’s profile and crafting a custom opener for her, but remember, this is a numbers game.  You’re better off having a simple and solid opener and only personalising if something jumps out at you.

Just like doing doors (note: Corrie ran door sales crews for years like his old man), if something about the property or the person sticks out, mention it, otherwise, come up with some simple icebreakers.

“Hi” is lame.  Do better.

A little bit of research and some forethought and you can come up with some funny/witty/interesting openers to copy and paste to matches or women you’re into.

#5.  Once you’ve messaged and they’ve responded, the goal is to move the conversation off the platform ASAP, and to something more personal like a phone number, IG, telegram, WhatsApp, etc.

I would try to go about no more than 10-15 exchanges before steering them to a text. This helps identify attention seekers with no intention of meeting you and allows you to focus on only those interested in meeting someone.

I’m not wasting my time talking to some broad I’ve never met for hours/days on end before I ever meet them.  They could be using 10-year-old photos for all I know.

The goal is always moving to the next step and stage of development.

Don’t invest too much time and effort with nothing to show for it.

#6. Online dating is a lot of fun… once you get good at it and remove any emotional attachment.

Women have their own tips and secrets to weed out losers and enhance their safety. If a woman is meeting you, assuredly she and her friends have stalked your online presence to the best of their ability.

She knows exactly where she is and her location tracking is on.”
– – – – –
When I suggested that looking for maternal acceptance gets in the way, he agreed, saying, “That’s most guys issue.  It’s also partly social conditioning via media and fantastical opinions of women in their lives.

Men should NEVER take dating advice from other women, and only generally in rare instances and on specific contexts.”

He then added, “Movies and TV are written for women, idealistically.  Showing up to a woman’s house playing a love song on the boom box outside her door is called stalking, but in the movies it’s romantic.  They have no idea what they actually want…”

So there you go, solid advice from a successful player.

By the way, Corrie met his gal on the west coast of Canada while she was on a work/visit visa, something the commonwealth countries do. They used a dating app to meet.

He first matched her on Tinder, and she ignored him. Then he saw her on OKCupid… and got her attention there. He said he’d also been talking to a friend of hers at the time before meeting her. BINGO!

After a whirlwind couple of months, she took him to a ball game for his birthday towards the end of August and left for Ireland the next day. Her visa had expired.

They stayed in touch online and sure enough, she told him that if he came to visit for Christmas, she’d pay for half his ticket. This was an offer he couldn’t refuse, and so, he walked through that open door.

Upon his return in January, he called me and said, “Dad, I’m selling everything. Me and Mr. Newman are moving to Ireland.”

It’s been what? Seven, eight years? He’s been there ever since.

Thoughts? Comments?

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Have a look at this graphic for more tips…

NOTE: added value 
free sleep course here:

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Join the Men of Honour FB group here:

Ice storm news: I had four trees and tree limbs come down in my backyard, all around the yard shed where I keep a Kawasaki Mule 4×4 and an almost new lawn tractor. None of the trees or limbs hit the shed and did damage. How nice is that?


(photo DALL-E AI generated)

Seems lately if you mention trans, you get to say anything you want and do anything you like.
I disagree with this.
Remember the infamous Texas case of the mom with very young twin boys and her insistence one of them was trans. Of course, the divorced dad was besides himself trying to get her quest to chemically castrate his son while still in single digits in age, and the news coverage was wide.

What made the ensuing court case significant is a female judge had sided with the mom and tried to stifle the father’s voice and his ability to defend the boy.

Outrageous isn’t the right word to describe most people’s reactions. If I lived in Texas, I would have been happy to picket the courthouse.

In Ottawa, a few years ago a case surfaced when a grade one teacher told her class: girls and boys did not exist. It’s that gender fluidity issue again.

This happened about four miles from my home at the Prince of Wales primary school. The principal, another woman, backed her teacher’s abuse, or idiocy, or whatever you want to call it.

One little girl in the class was so distraught to find out she was not a girl (like mommy), it affected her with daily worry.

Oh great, just what we need: take the gender that is already biologically prone to fear and give them more reason to be freaked out about themselves. The parents moved their child schools and lodged a human rights complaint.

They should have sued as well. They lost at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. Should we be surprised.

I remember my first trans client, a heroin addict named Mercedes (obviously her street name).

Coming from a large Quebec farm family, she was born with both sets of genitalia and raised a boy. Boys are needed on farms more than girls. Thus, began her odyssey which included her eventually reclaiming what she felt was her rightful female identify.

After disappointing her father and leaving home, she often worked as a hooker and had done time for robbing Johns. She’d long been on hormones and had huge tits and clearly female facial characteristics. When I knew her in the 1980s working as an addiction’s counselor, she was an attractive but slightly overweight middle-aged woman.

I found her charming but manipulative — though not dangerously so — as she asked me to write a book about her journey. I was there to help her with her drug habit and wasn’t distracted. I quite liked her.

She described her physical and mental ordeal at length, hoping one day to visit a Scandinavian country which was the only place offering sex-reassignment surgery at the time according to her.

Her justification for being a hooker was to afford her medical interventions. Now, it can be done here.

The universe doesn’t make mistakes. We don’t get to second guess how things turn out. People like Mercedes could be said to be put here to teach us something, even if that lesson is just tolerance.

To me, her condition was not unheard of as I had spent part of my previous summer at L’Universite de Sherbrooke studying sexology and addictions. I was fully aware of the link between substance abuse and trans, minor though it is comparatively.

At the recovery home, she fit right in as a woman though raised as an unhappy boy.

The acquired Childhood Experiences Study (ACE scores) by Kaiser Permanente was still a few years off but a quick survey of the 20 mixed gender people in any of the groups I ran (when I was the only counselor on duty all weekend) would tell you what you already knew. An ACE score of 4 and above is associated with higher risk of all kinds of things from heart disease to diabetes to mental illness.

Trauma causes stress and stress lies behind addiction. That can be early or late, sudden or gradual, biological or environmental, and nothing since has changed my mind. It is about the nervous system and how it is trained by experience.

So, despite my background as a straight male, I have some experience with trans people. I’m also sympathetic.

The current trend towards gender fluidity is my concern. I’m further convinced that like many social trends where there may have existed a tolerance deficit, in a classic corrective overreaction, it means the pendulum of change is swinging wide in error.

Rather than quietly making small adjustments, the trans cause hitched its case on the vocal gay rights movement and here we are.

I get the impression this was facilitated by social sciences academics, a majority of whom are now female. Women are far more egalitarian than are men and I suspect a shrill cry for egalitarianism from a corps of overthinking and influential females has resulted in a well-intentioned, not inclusion oriented but instead, dominant trend, which is misplaced and unnecessary, and in fact, harmful.

There I said it.

Not long after hearing about the Texas case I happened to be driving and listening to CBC radio, our Canadian public broadcaster, and heard a female academic who was advising the Ontario Education Ministry.

She stated gender fluidity must be taught in all schools from primary to secondary and that each teacher had a “moral obligation” to get the word out.

Are you kidding me? This is egalitarianism run amok.

This is the feminization of the culture occurring in a vacuum of male weakness.

“Unlike Boys, girls almost never boast, command one another, tell jokes at one another’s expense, try to top one another’s stories, call each other names, or in any way show off, and they sure don’t let any other girl do this. No girl is superior to any other girl. Should a girl appear superior, even accidentally, she faces social exclusion.”

That quote is from Joyce Benenson, a prof at The Emanuelle School (p. 178, Warriors and Worriers, 2014, Kindle version), though she is affiliated with and did most of the studies she quotes through Harvard.

Women are less social, more egalitarian and fearful than are men.

The feminine energy we currently experience embraces a kind of equality that shouldn’t be trusted for its proximity to socialist or even Marxist philosophy.

Great for women competing among each other as primary caregivers, lousy at making public policy which will determine how our children are educated on things like gender.

In her 2019 book, Primal Screams, Mary Eberhardt advances the idea politically that correctness is at least partially due to a breakdown in family.

Factors like economics, more people living in cities and so having fewer children, feminism, state support for single mothers, easy divorce laws, abortion on demand, the pill, etc. have all contributed to a much-changed family dynamic.

Political correctness might be a search for identity, she says, as people look outside of family for causes to believe in.

To taboo or not taboo: I could care less who you are having sex with as long as it’s not with children or animals and the adults involved have consented.

I have seen enough in my time to realize there is a fair bit of flexibility among folks. I’m all for less shame in society.

Look, probably over our history the taboo against homosexuality existed for a reason, especially given women’s competing for resources from men and others because of their primary caregiver status.

But also, men need to know that the guy next to him is tough enough to stand beside him and fight enemies. That’s why young boys taunt others who act like girls.

This is a hardwired set of traits.

Women being more fearful is also an inborn trait. She risks anxiety and depression at a far greater rate than do men.

Her priority after all, it to bring life forward into the future. Kind of important. She is ultra-sensitive to competition and allies.

This need to keep babies alive is the basis of her greater level of fear when compared to men. Looking after children is a job that is NEVER done.

Children can’t be left alone for a SECOND let alone a minute. Do the math: 60 seconds in a minute, that’s 525,948 minutes in a year, or over HALF A BILLION seconds to keep a kid alive to age sixteen.

It drives women a little nuts and we should appreciate their inborn tendency to worry, without condescension, but rather, with much due appreciation, even with awe.

Some men have always had sex with each other. The Greeks are famous for it and from what I can tell, until there is a woman who can interpose herself between a man and his sexual energy, it’s natural.

Some guys can become aroused with other men and some can’t. It is not my thing, but I know when I was in the penitentiary, the barbershop was full of trans and effeminate men we called sisters.

One of them, Sabrina, had undergone the hormone treatments and had what must have been about a 34 C rack on her. She was a mulatto with high cheekbones, quite attractive, usually wearing a white wife beater style t shirt with no bra.

She’d come into the visiting center on weekends and all the wives and girlfriends visiting their men would get jealous. It freaked my ex out a bit.

But, there were men in there who were big and fierce bisexual men. Jimmy had 22-inch arms and had a young kid as his boyfriend. He was doing life and was president of the inmate committee…. The kid was well protected.

There was “three tape Helen” who was another trans gal. The rumour was there was always three pieces of tape at the ready on her bunk which she used to affix her long penis to her shaved belly so guys sodomizing her wouldn’t have to suffer the indignity of her appendage.

Try getting that image out of your mind now.

OK, OK, you get the picture… or message.

It’s just that the kind of upheaval we are witnessing is unnecessary given the size of the population involved.

By the numbers, here’s the data:

“The LGBT community is small. Early research on the prevalence of homosexuality suggested that roughly 10 percent of the adult population were gay or lesbian (Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin 1948).
We now know that these were inflated estimates (Carpenter 2013; Vizard 2014). Using six national and state representative data sets, Carpenter (2013) found that roughly 1 to 2.3 percent of the U.S. adult population identified as either gay or lesbian. Between 0.7 and 2.9 percent identified as bisexual (Carpenter 2013:217).

Transgender individuals account for roughly 0.6 percent of the U.S. population (Flores et al. 2016). Similar estimates have been found in Canada, with 1 percent of adults identifying as either gay or lesbian and 0.7 percent identifying as bisexual (Statistics Canada 2004).

For comparison purposes, 22.3 percent of the Canadian population identify as a visible minority, 21.9 percent of the Canadian population are foreign born, 4.9 percent are Indigenous, and 14 percent report having an impairment or disability that limit their daily activities (Statistics Canada 2015, 2017a, 2017b).”

Sean Waite & Nicole Denier from A Research Note on Canada’s LGBT Data Landscape: Where We Are and What the Future Holds. 2019

So two percent of the population are gays and lesbians with a few outlier dabblers and experimenters. Genetic mutations if you will.

But, just a half a point of any population are people like Mercedes.

Surely, not fun for her, and anyone who must face pain alone without people around them acting as angels of better mercy, attachment figures to which they may turn to when needed is by definition: traumatized.

Just as any kid reaches for mommy when he or she is afraid, all people need social engagement.

If we think we are going to alleviate trauma by telling little girls and boys’ gender doesn’t exist, I’d suggest you give your head a shake.

It’s in our nature to be traumatized and from it, to create resilience.

I want to encourage men to voice their concerns where they have them. It’s the silencing of male leadership power under the fearfulness of a feminine energy dominated public narrative that is the root cause of what we see happening today with the “trans question.”

I don’t even know if such a thing exists, but I do know this: wherever a small group of people can band together and act to further their interests over others, they always do it.

I don’t care what group it is; self-interest is paramount (as Conrad Black says).

Men lead, women command.

That means we either step up and lead or prepare to be bossed around by the feminine trying to mitigate insecurity. There are plenty of good contributing women out there, the ones in charge and speaking to this issue in these fashions are mistaken.

Their “white knight” enablers can’t be trusted.

Men and women have banded together since the dawn of time to take advantage of each other’s strengths and shore up each other’s weaknesses.

A woman can pretty much do anything a man can do but will have clear preferences. Those preferences are usually influenced by her caregiving status and her propensity to be attracted to the vulnerable. That’s generally the undeniable facts of her existence.

Don’t buy into the idea of a patriarchy somehow dominating women. We’d never have language unless there was reasonable equality between us.

Where there is inequality we ought to step in and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves because of development or numbers. But we don’t upset the apple cart for a few bad apples.

Most of what we do is done well. The current trans trend is largely social contagion. We have seen this before.

It’s the Lindy Effect I learned from Nicholas Taleb: A book in circulation for one hundred years is almost assured to be in circulation in one hundred more. A book published last month has almost no chance of still being around in a hundred years.

The idea of gender fluidity is but a few years old.

Nature? It has been around millions of years.

I bet on nature.

Questions? Comments?

Invictus, true and free!