Advisor to men ™ BIO

About Chris Wallace 

(Advisor to men ™ & mentor at large)

Defender, Father, Husband, Counsellor, Mentor, Advisor, Author
Christopher K Wallace is your power and mental fitness advisor who has been helping people improve their lives since 1985.

He grew up the middle child in a family of eleven and has 4 sisters and 4 brothers. Dad was a manic depressive reformed alcoholic naval officer editor prone to violence. Every once in a while his significant potential could not be denied and he showed himself as learned, wise and diplomatic. Ma hailed from sturdy Newfoundland Irish Canadian stock with a nursing background who was devoted to church and to family. She had ten pregnancies in 12 years and raised nine surviving children in a three-bedroom bungalow in the south end of Ottawa’s capital. Her young children believed she had eyes in the back of her head. Christopher once wrote a poem for her called “By Jesus, Me Mudder’s a Saint” to celebrate Mother’s Day and read it for assembled clan.

Both were perfectly imperfect and like all of us, had the best of intentions.

Christopher worked from the age of ten and was out of the house at age 15 where he soon fell in with a tough crowd. Though he gave as good as he got, he was at times shot, stabbed, run over, beaten with a baseball bat and did stints in prison. In 1983 he had an epiphany over responsibility to his two year old son, and left that life.

Despite having never completed high school, he returned to do basic upgrading, excelled at learning and eventually talked his way into college. He graduated first in his class in the Behavioural Sciences years later, and subsequently did stints at several universities.

He went into sales managing where he could keep up his skills by mentoring and counselling as well as acting as a consultant.

As a Canadian senior vice president for many years serving more than 150 reps and 15 managers in 7 cities for a dozen different newspaper clients, he gets business and what it takes to manage people. His colourful background helps him understand others without judgment.

Among his many education and training certifications from varied subjects from sexology to family dynamics, he graduated With Distinction as a Behavioural Science Tech from St Lawrence College (class of ’88). He is also a Certified Consulting Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, an addiction specialist trained by the Addiction Research Foundation School for Addiction Studies (Toronto), a strengths coach who follows the Gallup Strengthfinders system, a student of Robbins Madanes Training, a founding cohort Certified Positive Intelligence Coach, and a Glover trained Certified Nice Guy Coach. Like his dad, Christopher has read a book per week most of his life.

Along the way he solved the riddle of addictions and the secrets to a happier life. You can read or listen to his latest book, SIPING FEAR PISSING CONFIDENCE at Amazon and Audible. Robert Glover describes it as the best book on addictions he’s ever read and a top three book for men. Christopher’s areas of intervention expertise are listed on the call scheduler page of this website (addictions, relationships, masculinity).

He thinks his qualifications should be ignored and that you should instead focus on how your life will change after working with him. “I’ve never met a man who wasn’t changed in some way after a conversation with me,” he says with as much intention as it is fact. It’s a bold claim. He says “just about everyone gets better” when he works with someone on their addictions.

Recently a man texted: “This is excellent! Of course I want your book. Doing big things Wallace. We need you. Never forget that. You are changing lives and making better men.” (Joe Murdie, November, 2022). Another wrote: “Wally, you are one of the rare few. You change lives; it’s who you are and what you do.” (David Tubbs, Australia).

Christopher K Wallace delights in sharing what he has picked up over the years in part so that others can benefit from his education and experience but more because he believes the world desperately needs powerful men. He teaches people to discover, claim and use their power and love in service of themselves and others to find meaning and freedom.

Christopher allows you a free call and might agree to work with you. Schedule here:

[email protected]

Read what people say about Chris Wallace here

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Note: I’m often humbled by men asking if there is some way to “help the cause” financially.  For those who can, we have added a “donate” button where you can send tips and gratuities and outright donations to help me help men (and consequently families, communities and society at large). 
Thanks in advance for your kindness and generosity. It is my life’s mission to empower men as powerful defenders of life.